Land Preparation:
Green Gram thrives in well-drained sandy loam soils. Prepare the soil by plowing for fine tilth and create channels and beds for cultivation.
Seed Selection:
Choose high-yielding and resistant varieties such as ‘MH 2-15 (Sattaya),’ ‘Pant Mung 6,’ ‘KM 2241,’ ‘IPM 02-3,’ ‘PKV AKM 4,’ ‘Pusa 0672,’ ‘IPM 02-14,’ ‘DGGV 2,’ ‘MH 421,’ and ‘Pusa 1371.’
Climate and Land Preparation:
Green Gram is suitable for all three seasons (Kharif, Rabi, and Summer). Select well-drained and healthy soil for better yields.
Field Preparation:
Adequate plant spacing is essential for a good yield. Consider intercropping with other crops to promote plant growth.
Fertilizer Management:
Apply fertilizers in three equal splits on days 30, 45, and 60 after sowing. Use a fertilizer mix of 25:50:25:20 kg NPKS/ha. Additionally, perform a 2% DAP spray on days 45 and 60 after sowing. A foliar spray of 1% urea can further enhance yield.
Irrigation Management:
Implement irrigation at critical stages, especially during the flower and pod filling stage, to support increased yield.
Pest and Disease Control:
Use effective plant protection measures to control pests and diseases. For example, control Aphids, Jassids, White flies, and Pod borer by spraying Imidacloprid 17.8% SL at the rate of 0.5 ml/lit. Manage Yellow mosaic, Mosaic mottle, Leaf crinkle, Leaf curl, Seed and Seedling rot, Cercospora leaf spot by spraying Mancozeb 75% WP at the rate of 2.5 g/lit.
Harvesting Time:
Harvest when the pods are mature and dry.
Latest Research:
The report on the outlook of green gram in Andhra Pradesh indicates that the decline in production is attributed to improved irrigation facilities favoring the cultivation of intensive crops like rice and wheat. Stay updated on regional reports and research for the latest insights and best practices. Adjust your cultivation strategies based on the evolving agricultural landscape.
- Andhra Pradesh ranks 6th in green gram production with a yield of 735 kg/ha.
- India is the major producer of green gram globally, grown in almost all states.
- Green gram is cultivated in about 4.5 million hectares in India.
- The total production of green gram in India is 2.5 million tonnes.
- The productivity of green gram in India is 548 kg/ha.
- Green gram contributes 10% to the total pulse production in India.